Cover art and video for the single Mirror.

Imagine having the power of artificial intelligence and the expertise of Brambles at your fingertips to create an incredible idea. That's exactly what happened here! With their combined efforts, a brilliant concept was born, and all you had to do was bring it to life. Using your artistic flair and animation skills, you transformed this idea into a stunning visual masterpiece that perfectly captured your own personal style. The result? A unique and captivating animation that is sure to delight and inspire all who watch it.
The growing DNA effect is the final product of the vellum solver once again, I love the vellum solver since it's relatively fast for simulation and its fun. In this case, I scattered some around on the tube several spheres, and create a growing attribute along the spline that was then driving the simulation itself when the balls should stretch. When they reached a point of stiffness they just wobbled around and then when the gradient color on the spline was leaving they shrink back.

The red mask on the geometry was a custom-created attribute that had the role to mask the jagged edges of the ripple effect that was happening for the "mirror". All the flower assets were taken from Megascans and then scattered around in an efficient way so they don't have much of an impact on the performance of the viewport.