The hair was done entirely procedurally with the grooming tools inside of Houdini. In most parts of the video, the hair was simply animated in Unreal Engines physics, since it's not possible to export the animated hair from Houdini to the unreal engine just as a static alembic groom file.

I have created several versions of the hair which can be easily changed and modified at any point. Procedural grooming gives quick iterations and options on the go.

In this part of the video, I created a dark matter effect, which also had to work inside of the unreal engine. To export the effect was not a big deal since the Unreal engine is capable of running alembics, but at some performance cost. Since we didn't need it to run in real time it was okay to go with it.

To export this kind of effect was a big deal for me because alembic export would not work at this time. For this explosion, I had to make sure that is rigged each piece of the bag to a single point so it could be animated after on the timeline and created a bullet time, in the end, it was exported from Houdini to UE as an fbx file.

Thank you for your attention!